Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Being Different in Catcher in the Rye

Catcher in the Rye Presents Unique World Vision In J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye the author describes the life of the main character named Holden Caulfield. The boy has a unique world vision, different from the rest. He realizes that such basic and vital human qualities as love and kindness are totally forgotten and their places are taken by the so-called â€Å"success† of middle class version. Money and power – that’s what matters in the society. Holden Caulfield feels like he’s different from the rest. To his point of view, human kindness is much more important for happy living, than financial status. Salinger describes his character as an optimist, who is trying to find the meaning of life. But in the eyes of the rest he’s just a naive boy, who’s not like everybody else. He’s different from them, because he finds it extremely hard to get used to the corrupt environment around him. While being in New York, Holden experiences a lot of dreadful experiences. Terrible date, acquaintance with pimp Maurice, alcoholism, suicide and many other aspects torture his mind all the time. Nevertheless, the young boy succeeds in handling all these troubles and keeping up to his ideas and beliefs. According to the author of the book, Holden suffers from psychological problems caused by his self-destructive behavior. In order to find treatment, Holden has to give up his beliefs and accept the material world around him the world of corrupted American dream. Holden is a great literature example of old truth that no matter how many beautiful and luxurious things are surrounding you, it is possible to find happiness only from within!

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